The Green School Programme is run by An Taisce to raise awareness of our environment amongst school children and thereby into the wider community. This started in our school in 2002
Our 1st Green Flag was earned when we began to Reduce, Re-use and Recycle our waste. Each year 6th Class take on the responsibility and form the Green School Committee along with two teachers and our caretakers.
Every classroom has a recycling bin, a compost bin and a battery collection box. The 6th class students come each day to collect litter. Once a year, the 5th and 6th classes conduct a Spring Clean Up along the approach roads to our school.
Energy became our 2nd theme. We started on this in 2004. Throughout the school we monitored our energy use. We undertook to reduce this by turning off lights when not required, not leaving electrical equipment on stand by, and, most importantly, in 2007 we insulated our walls thus reducing our heating bills and oil use. Every effort was made to encourage energy concervation at home.
Our 3rd Green Flag was gained through our efforts to conserve water and reduce our water wasting. Records were kept of water use and experiments were done to help reduce our water use. We gained our Third Green Flag in 2008.